Airless Urea Injection

The DE-TRONIC patented airless urea cooled injection technology enables the reduction of NOx by selective catalytic reduction (SCR).
DE-TRONIC measures and registers various engine, system and application parameters to determine the exact rate at which urea is injected into the exhaust gas stream where it is hydrolysed to produce the ammonia required for NOx reduction in the SCR catalyst. Software calibration of the system allows an optimal balance between emission requirements, urea consumption, NOx reduction, system stability and catalyst performance to be obtained.
DE-Tronic System Benefits
• Flexible application integration with compact individual components
• One ECU for DPF and SCR
• One software for DPF and SCR
• One interface for DPF and SCR
• Large dosing window with high accuracy
• Compact individual components
• Easy vehicle integration
• Patented airless return flow injector
• Low cost system
• Fast calibration
• Sensor or CANbus based

Extra Features
SCR Temperature Management
To achieve high efficiency for NOx reduction with an SCR system, it is necessary to control the temperature of the exhaust carefully. Therefore the urea injection system can be combined with the DE-Tronic DHCPI system used to actively control the temperature in the exhaust line with the following benefits.
• Highly efficient SCR quickly after start up
• Highly efficient SCR at low load conditions (city traffic)
• No risk of by-product deposit
• Removal of deposits of AUS32 by-products in the exhaust system (crystals)
Component Temperature Management
DE-Tronic manages the temperature in the urea tank, the feed and return lines, the injector and the pump unit.
The urea injection module can be combined with all the other DE-Tronic modules: DATALOGGING, SYSTEM MONITORING, FBC DOSING, DIESEL DOSING & OBD.